Points To Ponder When Choosing A Property Management Company Near Las Vegas

by | May 19, 2016 | Real Estate

You’ve decided that you need help to manage your properties in or near Las Vegas, so your next step is to find a property management company that can help. Choosing one is probably the most important thing to do once you’ve found a rental you like. However, you need to be organized, come up with a thorough interview and make sure they’re the right managers for you.

Questions To Ask Them

The first is about cost, and you want to get a written figure as to how much and many fees there are. Sometimes, you can find an excellent manager or company that charges only five percent or so, while they can sometimes go up to 20 percent. Look for someone who gives you the services you need for a low or comparable price as others.

They should also communicate efficiently and promptly. You don’t want to email or text them a question and then wait a week to hear back. Even if they can’t answer immediately, they should let you know they’ve received your query.

You may also want to ask if maintenance and repairs are covered through them, meaning they have a crew or contracts for handymen. Find out what repairs they handle, what happens if they can’t do something and anything else you’re wondering.

Control-Freak Questions To Ask

This is your building and land. You have the right to be as in control as you want, but many property management companies near Las Vegas want everything in writing. Therefore, you need to determine who will handle rent collections and screenings, whether they’ll do evictions, do they cover yard work and the lot. If there are things that you particularly want to handle personally, this needs to be noted and included in the contract, so there is no confusion.

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