For college students, living on campus may be convenient and easy, but off campus student housing UA or other universities has many advantages. From extra freedom to more choices, you may find that living off campus is a great option.
More Freedom
Dorms tend to have lengthy lists of regulations and rules, forbidding everything from pets and candles to guests and noise. There is likely a resident assistant nearby at all times making sure you abide by those rules, and the atmosphere can be stifling. Living off campus gives you the freedom to light candles, get a goldfish, have guests spend the night and enjoy being home without a long list of restrictions.
More Choices
On-campus housing tends not to vary much, and you’ll likely be assigned to a room without input. When you live off campus, you can choose from different spaces, layouts and buildings. You can decide if you’d like to be on the first floor or in a corner unit, and you can choose the building that most appeals to your aesthetic and desires.
More Amenities
Many apartment complexes have better amenities than college dorms. Depending on the location you choose, you may have access to perks like a fitness center or cafe. You may also be able to park your car closer to your abode than if you lived on campus.
More Responsibility
This can be a good thing for many students. College is a time to become more independent, and living in off-campus housing teaches you valuable life lessons. You’ll learn how to pay bills, manage your budget and make more choices than if you lived in a dorm. You’ll hopefully even boost your cooking and cleaning skills, which will set you up for success beyond college.
To learn more about off campus student housing UA, contact Lark in the Woods.