Attending college is a major step towards becoming independent. You are no longer living in your parent’s house. Some students take it a step further by getting a pet. College towns offer a variety of housing options to accommodate students. Read on to find out what to look for when looking for pet-friendly apartments in Fort Collins.
Stay Off-Campus
It is common for college towns to provide housing that caters to students. You do not have to worry about finding a roommate. The apartment complex will match you with a roommate. You are also only responsible for your share of the rent. College dorms usually do not allow pets besides small goldfish to live on campus. If you are bringing a pet, then it would be best to get off-campus housing.
Internet Access
Many schools require students to access their online websites for different services. You will need to choose an apartment that has WIFI access. The Internet is also a way to keep in contact with friends and family members. It would be convenient to have WIFI in your apartment as well.
Social Activities
Many college students do not have a lot of money. It helps to have access to amenities that do not require leaving the apartment complex. Amenities may include a swimming pool, dog park, gym, a campus shuttle, and planned student activities. It also helps to have an area to walk your dog around your pet-friendly apartments in Fort Collins.
It would help if you looked in advance to find housing that allows pets. Contact The Cottages of Fort Collins to save your spot today.