When you go off to college, you'll be faced with plenty of choices that you'll have to make. One of these choices is where you will live while attending school. While many students think that living on campus is the best option, many alumni will tell you that living...
Heather Washington
Comfortable Off-Campus Living for Great Academics and Recreation
Living Near the University of Alabama Situated in the heart of downtown Birmingham, the University of Alabama has an urban campus. You could easily lease an apartment near the main campus of UAB for enhanced comfort and convenience. Some furnished apartments in...
Ask Questions About Costs Associated with Renting Student Apartments
If you are moving to Alabama to start university classes, it is likely that this will be your first time renting an apartment. Here are a few questions you should ask in your search for student apartments in Tuscaloosa. Find out which utilities will be included in the...
What to Pack When Moving to Tuscaloosa Apartments Near Campus
Starting school soon? A student apartment can be the perfect place to call home! You can build a new community around you. And you'll also be close to school, making your commute short and easy, breezy. However, moving is a difficult process. It's best to be prepared....
Staying in a Student Apartment Can Make a Big Difference in College Life
When you enter college, one of the questions that you'll need to find an answer to is where you will stay while attending. Many students choose the default option of living in a college dorm room because they think it is simpler. It can also be a far more expensive...