Many students will graduate with tons of debt to settle. When they start their career, they may not enjoy the new salary because of the money they have to pay back. You can avoid taking the same route by making different financial decisions each year. If you take the...
Heather Washington
Top Things Every Student Should Consider Before Renting an Apartment
Top Things Every Student Should Consider Before Renting an Apartment While it is fairly common knowledge that living in a student apartment is a much better idea than living in a college dorm room, there are still some things that you need to consider before living in...
Decorate Your Off-Campus Housing Near JMU Campus For Spring Season
Spring is a time to feel refreshed by creating a change of scenery. One way to freshen the vibe is to look for simple ways to decorate your off-campus housing near the JMU campus. You can decorate your housing for spring by keeping these ideas in mind. Brighter Colors...
Enjoy the Companionship of Your Pet and Other Benefits with Student Housing
One of the reasons why you may be especially interested in off-campus housing at Texas State University is because you would like to have a pet. Just because you are going to university doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the companionship that comes from having a dog....
Living in Student Housing in Greenville, NC Can Prep You for Home Ownership
Going to university will teach you many lessons that will help you in life. Many of these lessons will be learned in the classroom. However, if you live in student housing in Greenville, NC, you'll get some learning there too. Keep reading to find out what some of...