Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) is a program started in 2009 to help struggling homeowners refinance their mortgages and stay in their homes. Federal agencies, banks, credit unions, and Veterans’ Affairs collaborated to create standards for banks to...
Real Estate
Asking the Right Questions for Buying a Lakefront Condo
It’s not uncommon for a person or a family to dream of living near the water. Whether it’s oceanfront or lakefront, when you can look out your windows and see a large open span of water glistening in the sun you may feel a new sense of satisfaction in your life. For...
The Information You Need to Know Regarding Condo Ownership
For most people, the dream of owning their own property is something they strive very hard to achieve. There are a number of options out there in the world of living spaces and finding the right one will take some time and effort on your part. The living space you...
Melrose, MA Real Estate Options
Although the Melrose, MA Real Estate market is limited, the homes and condos which are on the market are definitely worth taking a look at. Gorgeous early 20th century bungalows and Victorian style homes, as well as large midcentury homes and trendy condos are...
Property hunting? There’s an app for that!
Although finding your ideal home can be a dream come true, trying to search out appropriate properties can be a challenge. Visits to real estate agents can take up hours of valuable time with very little reward, while driving around neighborhoods looking out for...